Fears arise on two different emotional levels. The one emotional level I call the thinking feeling, because it is created by my thinking. The other level I call basic feeling, which is independent of thinking.

If the only cause of fear is thinking with the corresponding feeling of fear at the level of the feeling of thought, then this fear can be changed by a change in thinking or acting.

I think tomorrow will be a bad day, which is scary for me, so by looking at how I came to these thoughts or interpretations, I can change my thoughts and through this also the feeling of fear.


If the cause of the fear is not my thinking but it is a basic feeling, this fear cannot be dissolved by the methods that change my behavior or thinking.

Example: Fear of commitment
A person falls in love and suddenly a fear comes up which drives this person out of this relationship. The mind cannot understand it, there are also no factual reasons like quarrelling etc. It is as if the person is controlled by someone else. This fear of attachment is a basic feeling that has arisen due to a violation of the system law by the person or his ancestors. (For example an ancestor has lost a loved one)

Procedure if the cause is at the basic emotional level: For this purpose we use the Genea method (internal listing of ancestors and resolving existing system law violations) and the Empowering method. With this method, the system law violations that are the cause of fear are dissolved.

It is not visible at first glance whether a fear has arisen through thinking, whether it is a negative imprint or an inherited fear from the ancestors. The feelings that belong to fear can feel the same with all three causes. Only when the cause is sought and found can this fear be dissolved with the respective methods.

Example: Someone has test fears

  1. This may be because he has not learned enough or for some other reason he lacks the resources to pass the exam. Then this fear is justified and can be seen as a signal that more resources are needed or that more needs to be learned.
  2. The cause can be that he carries a negative imprint within him, i.e. he once failed an exam and felt very bad or got into trouble with his parents because of it. If this imprinting has not been newly formed (see empowering method), this fear continues to work.
  3. The reason for this may be that passing the test has a negative consequence. (ecology / system check). If passing the exam leads to the fact that this person then has to leave the city in order to accept the good job, but the partner stays behind, this can cause fear and cause the failure of the exam.
  4. The reason may be that the permission from the ancestors is not available. If passing the exam leads to the fact that he then no longer feels belonging to the parents or is rejected (parents are workers versus doctoral exams), this can lead to failure.
  5. The reason may be that the person feels loyal to the ancestors. If the mother or father was not allowed to study or to take up their dream job and the child has now been allowed to do so, the unconscious loyalty can lead to the child not giving himself permission to go this way. He must suffer the same suffering as his ancestors. This also leads to test fear.

You can see how many different causes can lie behind fear. Our task is to find the causes and then to solve them.

Here is a list of various fears that have been resolved in our work as coaches:

Test anxiety
Fear of not being able to complete a task
Shadows (I must never …)
Fear of existence
Fear of being abandoned / fear of commitment / fear of relationships
Fear of exclusion (bullying)
Fear of dying
Fear of death (follow-up dynamics to death)
Algophobia (fear of fear)
et al


What happens to the human being in case of a violation of the system law?

If someone is excluded, disrespected, unjust or someone pushes himself forward, there is a sequence of four steps that happens to the injured person.

1. Basic feelings I: First an injured basic feeling I develops. Typical descriptions of injured basic feelings are stomach ache, muscles tense, soft knees, trembling, pressure in the stomach, hot, cold, tears shooting into the eyes, trembling, heart palpitations, fear, sadness etc. …

Depending on the severity of the injury, these feelings are stronger or weaker. Almost everyone knows a not so strong feeling when someone pushes in front of you in traffic.

2. Basic feelings II: Shortly afterwards (often only a second later) the basic feeling II, namely anger or rage, develops.

3. Thinking: Only after the basic feelings have developed does the person start to think about the injury. It is interpreted and concluded depending on what “glasses” the person is already wearing.

4. Feelings of thinking: This thinking and interpreting generates a feeling, which I call the feeling of thinking. It is in direct interaction with thinking. These feelings of thinking are often described as follows: I feel ignored, disrespected, unfair…


The interpretation loop is an explanatory model for how communication often takes place and which internal dynamics and feedback loops can occur. If system law violations occur, this interpretation loop is more intense.

Further consequences of a violation of the system law

If the violation of system law that has taken place, i.e. basic feeling I of suffering, grief, fear and basic feeling II such as anger, is not resolved, this usually leads to thinking being used to suppress these basic feelings. Usually a re-injury is also returned to the person who caused the first injury. However, we will only look at what happens to the heart and sword side and the strength of the injured person if there is no immediate clarification of the injury or conflict.

Depending on how a person consciously or unconsciously deals with it, the violation of system law leads to either too hard + – or too soft – +. Both can lead to illness, burnout, demotivation, addiction, even rampage and suicide.

Cover/freeze basic feeling I: Some people put a “lid” on their feelings and separate themselves from their emotions, their suffering, grief, fear. This can be shown by the fact that they are very good at logical thinking and do a lot of mental cinema or become addicted to alcohol. However, the frozen energy becomes visible again and again through aggressive behaviour.

Cover/freeze basic feeling II: The others put a “lid” on their frozen aggressions. This can be seen in the fact that they avoid any conflict, mourn continuously, become fearful or give in to small and suffering. When the barrel overflows and the suppression of anger is no longer possible, the frozen energy manifests itself in an outburst of rage, so that everyone present is surprised. These people are then often called choleric.

Change in behaviour between “too soft” and “too hard

The descriptions “too soft” and “too hard” are not descriptions of identity or character, but express how the behaviour becomes visible. This is illustrated by the fact that a person who suppresses his anger (behaves too soft) can still explode and let his anger out. She no longer manages to keep the lid on her anger. Afterwards she falls back into her old, too-soft behaviour and often even feels bad for having acted so angry and overshooting the mark.

Sustainability – Emotional work with the basic feeling and thinking

In order to achieve sustainable changes and goals, it is crucial to find the causes and resolve them. If the causes can be found in the ancestors and their system law violations and in self-experienced system law violations, these are stored as basic feelings like fear. Thinking and the resulting feelings of thinking cannot dissolve these violations by rethinking or forgiving, forgiving and reconciling. The cause is not the thinking, but the experienced unresolved systemic law violations.

That is why the Genea and Empowering Method works with basic feelings. Thinking is also used, for example by looking at the grandparents as a couple or by looking at an experience with a new behaviour. This creates new feelings of thinking. But this is not enough. Therefore, the comparison between the basic feeling and the thinking feeling is always carried out. Only when it feels right can a lasting change take place. If it is not harmonious, it can still feel better than before for a short time. However, it is not sustainable because the causes have not been dealt with. It is then the same as when you decide to buy something and regret it afterwards.

Here now a few examples, which fears by unresolved system law violations of the ancestors have passed on to the descendants, how to solve them.


Returning fears (restrictive feelings)

If an ancestor has experienced something terrible (violation of the system law), e.g. his life was at stake (after a bomb hit the house collapsed and he was buried down in the cellar, but was able to free himself) or a parent died when he was young, this loss can lead to a fear of abandonment. Such unprocessed feelings can also be passed on to the children or grandchildren. They occur from time to time, for no apparent objective reason, which is why they cannot be consciously explained.

For example, the fear of abandonment often leads to the person not entering into close relationships, because it is true: I would rather leave you as a precaution than be abandoned. In the opposite case, the person can be very homesick, because he or she wants to keep an eye on the parents, for example, all the time, because then he or she cannot be abandoned.

The fear of death from the above example can be shown by the fact that the person cannot spend the night in a tent or is afraid of flying or the elevator. In each case it is a question of narrow spaces and helplessness.

In order to dissolve these fears, we look at which line of ancestors these feelings come from. Then the format “Forces of the Ancestors” is performed. If the person who has experienced this fear trigger is powerful (+ +) and has his parents behind him, he can carry the fear himself and take it back from the descendant. “I am strong now, it is my fear, I can carry it myself, please give it back to me now!” If there is still anger, grief, etc., he should return this energy to the causer, e.g. the causer of war, or the causer of the death of his ancestor.

If he is now really powerful, the descendants will gladly return this fear and are now free of it.

Example: Fear as a burden/load

A grandfather was afraid of death or abandonment during the war. The grandson took this fear as a burden. He himself has no formative experience in his history in which this fear may have arisen. Nor did his parents set an example of fear to him. If the grandfather becomes strong again in a balanced way and the grandparents and the parents become strong couples, then the grandfather takes the burden back from his grandson. “Give me the burden that you have borne for me. It belongs to me.” If the grandson can also let go of the load, he will experience relief and relaxation. Usually shortly afterwards, anger comes up in the grandson that he had to suffer under this load. The grandfather can also acknowledge this suffering and take the anger back. “I see your suffering caused by this burden, and I take back the anger that goes with it.” And he keeps only his share of this anger and makes sure that the other causers take their share of the anger.

Example: Fear not taken over as a burden, but created by an imprint

Fear is not a burden if it has itself been created by a formative experience. For example, if the father has died, a fear of abandonment can arise. The dissolving of this fear consists in the fact that the ancestors are all equally powerful, it is checked who or what was the cause of the father’s death (cause of the accident, illness, follow-up dynamics?) and this is also worked off. Then the father sees the suffering in the son, takes the anger from his son and they can be sad together. Since the fear was created in the imprint, it is not a burden and therefore cannot be taken back by the father.

Sadness versus being sad and fear versus being afraid

In order to cover up anger, i.e. not to be able to act out or to live it out, people often go into mourning. They grieve and mourn and nothing really changes in this grief. In this case it is a matter of the causer taking back the anger about this grief. (The person who is mourning then says: “I am angry about having such grief”). If a part of the anger is released, a new feeling of sadness arises. It feels calmer. Both persons can then be sad, cry together or say together: “Too bad”. This sadness with the other person then dissolves and another feeling of relief, exhaustion or even anger arises.

Therefore I distinguish between “sadness” (which does not dissolve) and “being sad”.

Fear also occurs as hidden anger to cover the anger. Here the procedure is the same. The anger about this fear has to be taken back by the perpetrators. Then either the fear dissolves completely or the fear turns into being afraid.

Dissolve fear through the follow-up dynamics to death

A follow-up dynamic to death describes a system dynamic in which a person consciously or unconsciously wants to follow another person to death. This follow-up dynamic always generates fear that seems inexplicable for the person. So far, I know of four reasons or causes for succession dynamics, which are briefly presented in an overview and then explained in detail:

Earlier before later: A parent or an older sibling dies and a younger child reacts

Membership or exclusion: If only one person of a group of people survives, he or she can feel connected to the others and want to follow them into death

Responsibility: If an older sibling is responsible for the death of a younger sibling, this can lead to “guilt feelings” and a follow-up dynamic

New system before old system: If an older child dies before the parents, one parent may want to follow the child

Earlier before later: 1. follow-up dynamics at sibling level:

If a sibling C1 died earlier than the younger child C2, it is possible that the child C2 unconsciously wants to die out of love for the earlier child C1 (“Then you would still be alive”). Here the system law 4: “sooner has priority over later” works in reverse dynamics.

Earlier before later: 2. follow-up dynamic to the parent or grandparent level:

For example, if the first child dies at the age of ten, it may indicate that there is a follow-up dynamic to the parent or grandparent level. If one parent died early, i.e. the child was younger than about 14 years, this Hansel & Gretel effect can occur.

Or an older sibling of a parent has died early. In this case, the father would normally react with a follow-up dynamic, as described in the picture with the thin arrow. But there is the possibility that this dynamic is passed on to the first child. The child follows this.

In the same way, this dynamic can also come from the grandparent or great-grandparents or higher level. If the grandfather or the grandmother or an older sibling of the grandparents dies and, as shown in the picture with the thin arrows, the grandparents’ daughter is affected by it, it is possible that she unconsciously passes this dynamic on to her eldest child (which is often shown in miscarriages). So the mother does not have to carry any follow-up dynamics and their signals. It can also skip a generation.

From my experience with the Genea Method and the dissolving of follow-up dynamics, fear, addiction, depression, attempted suicide, accident or illness like multiple scleroses, premature birth are possible indications of a follow-up dynamic.

These follow-up dynamics can manifest themselves in the child in anxiety, depression, addiction, attempted suicide, illness or accident. In the case of illness or accident, numbers often indicate this: If the grandfather stayed in the war when the mother was ten and her son dies at ten, I speak of a dynamic or signal. Or the same illness occurs as in the ancestor, or the fear of the age of death or the illness in the ancestor, these can be indications of a follow-up dynamic.

If the second, third or later children are affected by the succession dynamic, it indicates that an older sibling has died or been excluded. It does not indicate the parental or grandparent level. The Hänsel & Gretel effect occurs particularly when the deceased person is hushed up, i.e. excluded. This includes miscarriages as well as abortions.


First, the powers of the ancestors are established, i.e. that all ancestor issues are internally clarified and the ancestors can each stand side by side as a pair with ++ power. Then this dynamic can be checked when the deceased powerful ancestor tells the child: “You shall live well! Does this sentence reach the child? And conversely, can the child say: “I will live well”? If he cannot say this sentence correctly, this dynamic is usually present.

If the ancestors are all equally powerful and stand side by side as pairs, the ancestors want the child to be well, to be free and to live well, etc.

So the direction from the ancestors to the child can be resolved with the forces. Now the child must still accept this. It is helpful if the parents and grandparents tell the child that he or she can especially show love or honour towards them if the child no longer holds on to loyalty but lives happily and successfully. If this procedure is not yet sufficient, a person who respects the child should appear, often it is the grandfather or grandmother who clearly tells the child their opinion, if necessary even getting angry until the child arrives.

Then the child can say: “I will live well! You will always have a place in my heart and I see you alive in my mind’s eye!” If mourning is present, the child shows the deceased his or her grief. If anger about death arises, the anger should be taken from the causer and the deceased.

If, like many other people, you have to deal with fear and you are looking for a solution to it, contact us with confidence and profit from our 20 years of experience in dissolving fears.