SystemEmpowering Coaching

Utilize coaching to move from your problems towards your goals.

SystemEmpowering Coaching Services

We use SystemEmpowering Coaching to tackle the deep-seated causes of various stressful life issues, allowing for the release of blockages and nurturing newfound strength and deep-seated trust. We leverage this approach in diverse contexts, witnessing its transformative power daily with individuals, couples, families, teams, and businesses, including during succession processes in family firms. Through this method, our clients unlock their potential, forging a path to successfully achieve their goals.

Executive Empowering

In order to be able to lead optimally, the leader needs sufficient knowledge and abilities and a strong inner attitude, which can be produced by coaching and system empowering. The basis of their leadership strength comes from the knowledge and observance of the system laws. If the system laws are recognized, she receives respect, recognition and trust.

Team Coaching

We coach team members or employees of all hierarchical levels as well as entire teams. Often conflicts arise due to violations of system laws, which let everything get out of hand or the responsibilities are not sufficiently clarified or are not sufficiently lived by those responsible. To deal with these topics is part of our daily tasks.

personal empowering system empowering

Personal Empowering

We coach not only corporate clients but also private individuals in the area of personality development. Either in individual coaching or in coaching for couples, we support you in fundamentally clarifying your topics, working out goals, solving conflicts – so that it becomes easy and life is fun.

system empowering couple coaching

Relationship Coaching

If you take advantage of a relationship coaching, you will save yourself a lot of stress, time and energy.

Through our relationship coaching, your relationship can become sustainable again, support you in achieving common goals or lead to you being able to separate in recognition of your shared time and peace.

personal system empowering

Conflict Coaching / Mediation

Through systemic mediation we empower systems. We have developed useful and necessary tools for this, such as System Empowering, System Laws, and the PowerCode for resolving system law violations. Mediation and coaching belong together for us, which is why we also call ourselves CoachMediator or System Empowering Coach.

Hanseatic Institut

SystemEmpowering: Resolving Emotional Conflicts, Developing Your Personality, and Strengthening Your Power Within the System.